Medically prescribed for management of high blood pressure.
PRESENTATION: Bottle of 20 gm
Unless otherwise prescribed, 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Reduce the dose as symptoms improve. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
No side effects of Schwabe’s Rauvolfia serpentina 1x are known.
No side effects of Schwabe’s Rauvolfia serpentina 1x are known.
MANUFACTURED IN INDIA: by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida - 201304.
REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.
EXPIRY: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.
Schwabe’s 250mg tablets of
Rauwolfia serpentina 1x
Hypertension is the term used to describe high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the measurement of the force against the walls of arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. Conventionally blood pressure readings are measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) as systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is considered high if it is over 140 most of the time, where as diastolic pressure is considered high if it is over 90 most of the time. Prevalence of hypertension increases with age.1
Primary (essential) hypertension is the term applied to most of the cases in which no cause is identified. It is often the result of complex interaction between multiple genetic and environmental factors.2 Secondary hypertension, which affects approximately 5% people, has identifiable specific causes, such as alcohol abuse, cocaine use, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, coarctation of the aorta, diabetes, certain autoimmune disorders (like periarteritis nodosa), certain endocrine disorders (like adrenal tumours, hyperthyroidism and cushing syndrome), renal artery stenosis and some drugs like appetite suppressants, birth control pills, corticosteroids, migraine medications, etc.3,4
Initially high blood pressure is asymptomatic for many years.1,2 However, sometimes symptoms like confusion, ear noise or buzzing, fatigue, non specific headache, irregular heartbeat, nosebleed and vision changes are felt. Untreated hypertension may end up with blood vessel damage (arteriosclerosis), brain damage, congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, heart attack, hypertensive heart disease, peripheral artery disease, stroke, vision loss, etc.3 Lifestyle changes may help to control blood pressure. Avoiding smoking and alcohol, eating more fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, keeping blood sugar under control (if diabetic) and maintaining ideal weight are useful.
Rauwolfia serpentina is one of the most often used homoeopathic drugs for hypertension. It belongs to the family Apocynaceae and is found in sub-Himalayan ranges and Western Ghats of India.5 It is officially covered by both Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India and German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia.6,7 The root contains a great number of alkaloids of which Reserpine is the most well known. Its hypotensive and neuro-depressive activities are established.8 A homoeopathic tincture is made from its root. Literatures indicate that this remedy is useful to manage high blood pressure. It also alleviates its associated symptoms such as irregular beats, increased emotional excitability, irritative condition of central nervous system, mild depression, irritability and restlessness. Reports suggest it is highly useful in cases of hypertension without marked atheromatous changes in the vessels.8,9,10,11,12
INDICATIONS:High blood pressure and associated symptoms like irregular beats, increased emotional excitability, irritability and restlessness.
Q. What is Rauwolfia serpentina 1X?
Rauwolfia serpentina 1X is one of the most often used homoeopathic drugs for hypertension. The drug contains a great number of alkaloids of which reserpine is the most well-known. Its hypotensive and neuro-depressive activities are established.
Q. What are uses/benefits of Rauwolfia serpentina 1X?
It is useful to manage high blood pressure. It also alleviates the symptoms associated with hypertension such as irregular heartbeats, increased emotional excitability, and irritative condition of central nervous system, mild depression, irritability and restlessness. It is used in treating case of hypertension without marked atheromatous changes in the blood vessels.
Q. How to use Rauwolfia serpentina 1X?
The medicine is taken as 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The dose should be reduced as the symptoms improve or otherwise the medicine should be taken after consulting physician.
Q. What are side effects of Rauwolfia serpentina 1X?
No side effects are reported.
Q. What precautions to take before taking Rauwolfia serpentina 1X?
No precautions are necessary.
Q. How long should I take Rauwolfia serpentina 1X?
The medicine should be taken as long as the symptoms are relieved or till the considerable improvement sets in.
Q. Is Rauwolfia serpentina 1X suitable for children?
Q. Is it safe to take Rauwolfia serpentina 1X during pregnancy?
Yes, it can be given for pregnancy induced hypertension.