Hypericum perforatum is a herbaceous perennial plant native to Europe, Central China, Western Himalayas, Northern Africa.
It is a member of the Hypericaceae family.
The name Hypericum comes from the Greek words hyper meaning above and eikon meaning picture, as in olden days flowers were kept above pictures, images, windows as it was thought that the evil spirits hated this plant and it would send them off.
Hypericum perforatum typically grows in dry sandy areas and prefers woods, sunlight and the plant bears star-shaped yellow flowers during the summer season. Each flower has five petals, and they embody small pinpoint holes hence the name perforatum. And when the flowers are crushed or rubbed they leave the surface stained red which resembles blood.
Commonly known as St. John's wort, God's wonder plant, Witches Herb, Devil's Scourge, goatweed or Klamath weed.
The phytochemicals in flowers and leaves are hypericin and hyperforin. They are biologically active and are responsible for its effects and actions. Many studies prove that Hyperforin inhibits the synaptic reuptake of certain neurotransmitters like serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine, GABA. This mechanism is mainly responsible for its antidepressant and therapeutic activity. But pure hyperforin is a potent antidementia agent than an antidepressant.
Hypericum plant has been in use since the ages as a herbal treatment for external and internal ailments. The flowers are used to make herbal tea, concoction to relieve the ailments. Because of its antiviral action, it is used to promote wound healing.
Hypericum perforatum uses are principally for wounds, burns, inflammation, skin disorders And also to relieve anxiety, depression, insomnia etc.
Hypericum extracts are also said to have memory-enhancing properties.
Homoeopathic perforatum 1x Therapeutic Use
In homoeopathy, the whole plant is used to make the mother tincture. Potentized medicine can be used to treat several health problems. Hypericum perforatum homeopathic medicine is an excellent injury remedy, and the main areas of action are Cerebrospinal system, Venous system, joints of the body.
It is especially used in cases of mechanical injuries to the spinal cord and the nerves at their peripheral extremities. Its is said to be a nerve healer remedy. It seems to have a specific action upon the spinal nervous system. When the nerves have been lacerated, wounded or torn with excruciating pain. The homeopathic hypericum perforatum benefits, as in the hallmark of it, are soothing the sharp-shooting type of pains. It can help to prevent tetanus or lockjaw disease.
Homoeopathic hypericum perforatum can ease emotional and nervous turmoil. It has been studied and confirmed its mono-therapy uses in mild to moderate depression. It has ameliorating effects in hyperhydrosis and intense headaches. The actions are favourable with a minimal rate of dropout cases.
Apart from this, it can be used for the bad effect of fright, depression following wounds, shock after an operation, melancholic state. It can also be used in cases of haemorrhoid, neuritis, tingling and burning. Next to the nerves, it affects the joints where all the articulations feel bruised. Excessive painfulness is the guiding symptom for its use. Hence, it can also take the place of Morphine after surgical operations.
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Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets thrice daily. Children should be given one tablet thrice daily. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
No side effects of Hypericum perforatum 1x are known.
It has serious interactions with other antidepression drugs.
No interactions between Hypericum perforatum 1x and other products are known.
MANUFACTURED IN INDIA: by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida - 201304.
REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.
EXPIRY: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.
Schwabe’s 250 mg tablets of
Hypericum is a drug delicately linked to nerve injuries, pain and subsequent effects like anxiety, depression, neuralgia, neuritis, cramps traumatic or systemic, hyperhydrosis and nervousness. The pathogenesis is rich covering infections, ulcers, pain in ear & eyes and symptoms worse by least exposure or touch or in cold.
Hypericum has a history. This European plant in the medieval period was considered to have power to repel evil. Medicinally, it was used to treat emotional and nervous complaints. Homoeopaths normally use it for nerve injuries, intense headache and pain. In late twentieth century research studies found that 67% of patients with mild to moderate depression improved with Hypericum extract.1 Hypericum & Hypericin are found effective in many viral infections. Scientists started working on it for HIV and AIDS but found that it is a drug for monotherapy for mild to moderate depressions (it has interactions with other antidepressants). It was also established that mode of action of Hypericum is different from that of conventional antidepression drugs which elevate brain serotonin and evoke negative feedback control of serotonergic neurons.2 In another study favouring the drug for mild to moderate depression it was stated that it has favourable side effect profile and lower rate of drop-outs, another study showed that it has growth inhibition and apoptosis in human malignant cells.3 In another study on gene expression it was found that chronic antidepressant treatment by drug of various classes have common pathways of changes in gene expression.4
Where to remember Schwabe’s Hypericum perforatum 1x tablets?
- Nerve injuries and traumas.
- Tranquilizing effect in mild to moderate cases of depression.
- Hyperhydrosis & nervousness.
It can be used alone or as supplement to other medicines.
Q. What is Hypericum Perforatum 1x?
Hypericum Perforatum 1x are tablets prepared from the herb St John’s Wort and are helpful in injuries to the nerves especially to the extremities. It is also helpful in cases of coccygodynia, punctured wounds, nausea, hemorrhoids, sciatica, neuritis and hyperidrosis.
Q. What are uses/benefits of Hypericum Perforatum 1x?
It is helpful in emotional and nervous complaints such as crush injuries, shock, and nervousness. It was found useful in cases of mild to moderate depression. Excessive pain is a guiding symptom. The complaints are worse in foggy and damp weather, especially the asthma, in a closed room and by touch.
Q. How to use Hypericum Perforatum 1x?
It is to be taken as an internal medicine. Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets 2-3 times daily. Children should be given half of the above dose. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.
Q. What are the side effects of Hypericum Perforatum 1x?
No known side effects reported.
Q. What precautions to take before using Hypericum Perforatum 1x?
They should not be used with other anti depressant drugs.
Q. Is Hypericum Perforatum 1x suitable for children?
Q. How long should I take Hypericum Perforatum 1x?
Until the symptoms improve or as per the Physicians prescription.
Q. Is it safe to use Hypericum Perforatum 1x during pregnancy?