REPL Dr. Advice No 120 - Colic-En (30ml)
Abdomen Pain, Stomach Cramps, Gastroenteritis, Gripping Pains in Children
REPL 120, colic
Dimensions 3.5 (cm) x 3.5 (cm) x 8.6 (cm)
Dr. Advice No. 120 (Colic-En) Composition (Ingredients):
- Colocynth Q
- Magnetia Phos. 6
- Dioscorea V. 6
- Belladonna Q
- Nux. Vom. Q
- Chamomilla Q
- Cinchona Officinalis (China) Q
Abdomen pain, Stomach cramps, gastroenteritis.
Mode of action:
- Colocynth Q: Agonizing cutting pain in abdomen, Colic with cramps in calves. Intestines feel as if bruised.
- Magnetia Phos. 6: Pain relieved by pressure, patient has to bend double. Bloated, full sensation in abdomen; must loosen clothing, walk about and constantly pass flatus.
- Dioscorea V. 6: Pains suddenly shift to different parts, Colic, better walking about; pains radiate from abdomen, to back, chest, arms; worse, bending forwards and while lying.
- Belladonna Q: Pain as if clutched by a hand; worse, jar, pressure. Cutting pain across; stitches in left side of abdomen, when coughing, sneezing, or touching it.
- Nux. Vom. Q: Flatulent distension, with spasmodic colic. Colic from uncovering. Colic, with upward pressure, causing short breath, and desire for stool.
- Chamomilla Q: Griping in region of navel, and pain in small of back. Flatulent colic, after anger.
- Cinchona Officinalis (China) Q: Pain in right hypochondrium. Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen.
10 to 15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3 times daily.
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.