Liposem - Ayurvedice Medicine for Cholestrol
Before we delve into the cure, let us try to understand what cholesterol is and how it can impact human health.
Cholesterol is a substance that is produced in the liver and is known to protect cell tissues, different types of nerves, and Vitamin D. Plus, it also helps produce certain hormones.
While cholesterol secretion takes place inside the liver, it can also be found in a variety of foods like meat, eggs, and other dairy products. Cholesterol can be both good and bad for the human body. In fact, extreme levels of cholesterol can also lead to life-threatening diseases.
In this day and age when heart ailments are on the rise, controlling cholesterol is crucial. High levels of cholesterol can have a negative impact on the heart. To keep your cholesterol levels under control, Kerala Ayurveda has the ideal Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol - Liposem.
With a good mix of effective herbal ingredients, Liposem is an Ayurvedic tablet that is often prescribed for people with high cholesterol. The herbal supplements present in Liposem are defined as antioxidants and hypolipidemic agents. In Ayurveda, these agents are known to treat lower levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol and maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. It is these aspects that actually make Liposem one of the most effective Ayurvedic medicines for cholesterol.
Benefits of Liposem Tablets
Liposem is a completely natural Ayurvedic tablet containing herbs mentioned in ancient texts that are prescribed as a hypercholesterolemia medication to keep cholesterol levels balanced. Ayurveda states that the herbs Vrikshamla helps to increase fat metabolism and Yavaksharbhasma is a natural cardioprotective. Ayurvedic science also states that Pushkara and Guggulu help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, lose weight, and are good for the heart.
Liposem is an Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol composed of 17 active herbal ingredients that is available in the form of tablets for cholesterol. Its composition has antioxidant and hypolipidaemic properties. Liposem tablet helps decrease the levels of triglycerides and LDL thereby regulating high cholesterol or Hyperlipidaemia. This Ayurvedic tablet also helps minimize the damage caused to the blood vessels (Vascular damage) by the high cholesterol levels thereby offering protection from cardiac ailments.
Liposem Tablets Ingredients
The Liposem Tablet for cholesterol contains the following active ingredients of ayurvedic medicine for high cholesterol:
Vrikshamla (Garcinia indica)
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance that is naturally found in the human body. It is essential for certain bodily functions such as the production of Vitamin D, hormones, and bile. The human body is capable of making enough cholesterol for these functions. Cholesterol is also present in certain foods. While cholesterol is essential to the normal functioning of the body, an excessive amount of cholesterol can harm the body.
There are three different types of cholesterol, namely; HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein). HDL is the form of cholesterol that helps remove bad cholesterol from the blood. It is normally referred to as good cholesterol as it is beneficial to the body. LDL is usually referred to as bad cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol levels lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries. VLDL primarily refers to triglycerides and is also not considered to be good cholesterol.
Ayurveda and Cholesterol Problems - Ayurvedic View
In Ayurveda, the digestive process is central to good health in a person. When food is not digested properly there is a metabolic waste called Ama that is formed. This metabolism is performed by the Bhut Agnis in the liver. The resultant nutritive fluid called Rasa then transforms into the different Dhatus or tissues. If Ama is formed, it also penetrates the Dhatus. Lipids are the Medha Dhatu and when this is affected it also infiltrates the Rakta (blood plasma) and Mamsa (muscle) Dhatus. So good liver health helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
The way in which Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol control looks at and treats health problems is different from western medicine. The keystone principle of Ayurveda is the three bodily elements or doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurvedic medicine defines Shrotas as the circulatory channels of the body. The larger Raktavahi Shrotas such as the veins and arteries function to carry the blood to and from the heart while the smaller or micro Shrotas carry nutrients and waste to and from the cells of the body. Ayurveda considers cholesterol as the lubricant that keeps these Shrotas elastic and healthy.
Ama And Amavisha
Ayurveda calls the metabolic leftovers in the body Ama. It states that when there is Ama that has not been cleansed from the body, it accumulates and starts to spread thereby mixing with the Dhatus or the seven body tissues and Malas (metabolic waste) becoming Amavisha. The mixing of the Amavisha with fat causes the Shrotas to be damaged. This is the cause for heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and strokes.
Agni And Dhatus
In Ayurveda, the digestive process is given prime importance for maintaining good health in a person. Digestion is linked with Agni or the digestive fire of which there are 13 types that work together for digestion. They work sequentially with the principal digestive fire in the stomach and duodenum called the Jathar Agni. The metabolization of the food is then performed by the Bhut Agnis that are located in the liver. The food is transformed into Rasa or nutritive fluid. This then goes to the Dhatu Agnis that are in the seven tissues of the body of which the lipids in the body are called Meda Dhatu. As per Ayurveda, the Dhatus get metabolically transformed in the sequence of Rakta (blood plasma), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra (reproductive fluid). So, if Ama is present in the Rasa it gets sequentially added to the Dhatus which is what causes the Ama in fat tissue to be accumulated in both the Rakta and Mamsa Dhatus.
When the Meda Dhatu is imbalanced it causes the stiffness, clogging and distortion of the Rakhtavati Shrotas or blood vessels. This causes high blood pressure. As per Ayurveda, when Meda Dhatu is disturbed it causes high cholesterol. So, we can see that as per the principles of Ayurveda it is not the cholesterol itself that causes the problem but the Amavisha that is at the root of the problem.
The Liver
Since the liver is the organ that removes toxins before they enter the bloodstream, excessive toxin buildup can cause it to be overloaded and impaired thus disturbing the 13 Dhatu Agnis. The other factors that can unbalance or disturb the digestive process are mental, physical and environmental. The mental triggers are stress, overthinking and negative emotions. The physical causes are overeating, bad diet choices, improper eating schedule, eating despite having indigestion, ignoring natural urges and constipation. The environmental factors could be the consumption of food in the wrong season as well as eating impure food that has toxins such as additives, preservatives, chemicals and traces of fertilizer and pesticide. Environmental toxins are called Garvisha.
There are two sub doshas of Pitta, Pachaka Pitta and Ranjaka Pitta, that govern the digestion. Pachaka Pitta governs the breakdown of the food in the stomach and small intestine. Ranjaka Pitta governs the five Bhut Agnis, and also bile production, which is important in the digestion of fat. The Bhut Agnis scan and identify the different types of toxins. When the liver is healthy the Bhut Agnis successfully identify and eliminate these toxins and they do not pass into the Rasa and thereby into the body. But when the liver has to process excessive toxins it gets overloaded and overtime loses its ability to scan and eliminate them. There are Ayurvedic herbs that have the effect of increasing the production of bile. But a simple increase in bile production (which is also a mode of treatment for cholesterol in western medicine) is too simplistic a solution to a high cholesterol problem.
Cholesterol Ayurvedic medicine gives importance to increasing the ability of the liver to scan and eliminate toxins and thereby helps to regulate cholesterol levels. Also, when the progressive metabolism of tissue from Rasa is out of balance it causes a problem. An imbalanced Dhatu Agni can create too much or too little fat. This is why in addition to reducing the intake of harmful fats and to maintain the intake of good fats in reasonable quantities is important to avoid overloading the Meda Agni and the Bhut Agnis. Thus, we see that the principles of how to reduce triglycerides Ayurveda is quite different from that of western medicine.
Ayurveda looks at the production of too much cholesterol as the imbalance of the Kapha Dosha. Ayurvedic treatment for high cholesterol and triglycerides includes an Ayurvedic diet that balances the Kapha dosha. This has the effect of balancing the fat metabolism of the entire body. The diet that is prescribed to balance the Kapha dosha has food that has astringent, bitter or pungent tastes. Ayurveda also recommends avoiding sour, sweet and salty foods to balance Kapha dosha.
Kapha Pacifying Foods:
Astringent foods: Lentils, smaller split beans, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli) and fruits such as pears and apples are astringent foods.
Bitter foods: Leafy green vegetables help cleanse the bowels and prevent the accumulation of fats in the body.
Grains: Grains are recommended by Ayurveda to enhance the metabolism of fats. These include unprocessed whole oats, quinoa and amaranth.
Garlic: Garlic is said to be a great natural remedy for controlling cholesterol levels in the body. A mix of garlic, cloves, ginger, and lime juice taken before meals can be highly effective in controlling cholesterol.
Warm water and honey: A cup of warm water and honey in the morning can offer multiple health benefits including reduced cholesterol levels. This concoction helps rid the system of unwanted fats which in turn maintains healthy cholesterol levels. This mix can also be made more effective by adding lime juice or apple cider vinegar.
Trikatu: A great Kapha optimisation herbal remedy is Trikatu. One spoon of Trikatu mixed with honey twice a day can do great at regulating cholesterol levels. Trikatu is effective at burning Ama and excess Kapha in the system.
Apart from the foods, regulating cholesterol also depends heavily on maintaining a good healthy lifestyle that includes a steady balance of exercise and diet. Doing a regular workout is highly recommended as it helps burn fat and unhealthy cholesterol in the body.
Since the Kapha dosha is cool and earthy, it is recommended to eat warm food and avoid cold food and liquids. Also, replacing cooking oil with small amounts of healthy fats such as olive oil and ghee is recommended.
High Cholesterol Levels - An Overview
High cholesterol levels due to poor lifestyle choices are common for which high cholesterol treatments are prescribed. They are usually treated with drugs to block the liver from producing cholesterol. The drugs commonly used are Statins, Fibrates, Niacin, Bile Acid Sequestrants, and Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors.
1. Is Liposem Tablet recommended for Heart problems?
Liposem tablets help decrease triglycerides and LDL, it also regulates high cholesterol. The ayurvedic tablets also minimize any damage that is caused to the blood vessels, therefore offering protection from cardiac ailments.
2. Can Liposem Tablet be consumed with allopathic medicine?
Yes. Liposem can be consumed while you are taking allopathic medications. Please consult your Ayurveda physician to know more.
3. What diet should be followed if someone is on a Liposem Tablet?
You will have to follow a heart-healthy diet. This means that you have to avoid red meat, alcohol, smoking, added sugar and processed food. This is the way you can get all the benefits of the tablets.
4. Does Liposem Tablet help in improving the liver function?
Liposem tablets contain curry leaves which are good at keeping your liver healthy.
5. Is Liposem Tablet an ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver?
Liposem tablets are primarily aimed at reducing the bad cholesterol in your body. For fatty liver treatments, there are a variety of ayurvedic treatments available that include changes in ahara (diet/food), vihara (lifestyle) and vyama (mild exercises).
Before we delve into the cure, let us try to understand what cholesterol is and how it can impact human health.
Cholesterol is a substance that is produced in the liver and is known to protect cell tissues, different types of nerves, and Vitamin D. Plus, it also helps produce certain hormones.
While cholesterol secretion takes place inside the liver, it can also be found in a variety of foods like meat, eggs, and other dairy products. Cholesterol can be both good and bad for the human body. In fact, extreme levels of cholesterol can also lead to life-threatening diseases.
In this day and age when heart ailments are on the rise, controlling cholesterol is crucial. High levels of cholesterol can have a negative impact on the heart. To keep your cholesterol levels under control, Kerala Ayurveda has the ideal Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol - Liposem.
With a good mix of effective herbal ingredients, Liposem is an Ayurvedic tablet that is often prescribed for people with high cholesterol. The herbal supplements present in Liposem are defined as antioxidants and hypolipidemic agents. In Ayurveda, these agents are known to treat lower levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol and maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. It is these aspects that actually make Liposem one of the most effective Ayurvedic medicines for cholesterol.
Benefits of Liposem Tablets
Liposem is a completely natural Ayurvedic tablet containing herbs mentioned in ancient texts that are prescribed as a hypercholesterolemia medication to keep cholesterol levels balanced. Ayurveda states that the herbs Vrikshamla helps to increase fat metabolism and Yavaksharbhasma is a natural cardioprotective. Ayurvedic science also states that Pushkara and Guggulu help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, lose weight, and are good for the heart.
Liposem is an Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol composed of 17 active herbal ingredients that is available in the form of tablets for cholesterol. Its composition has antioxidant and hypolipidaemic properties. Liposem tablet helps decrease the levels of triglycerides and LDL thereby regulating high cholesterol or Hyperlipidaemia. This Ayurvedic tablet also helps minimize the damage caused to the blood vessels (Vascular damage) by the high cholesterol levels thereby offering protection from cardiac ailments.
Liposem Tablets Ingredients
The Liposem Tablet for cholesterol contains the following active ingredients of ayurvedic medicine for high cholesterol:
Vrikshamla (Garcinia indica)
- The rind of this fruit is rich in hydroxy citric acid that naturally controls appetite.
- It is an important hypercholesterolemia treatment herb in Ayurveda as it inhibits the conversion of excess sugar and carbohydrates into fat
- It is rich in Potassium, which enhances the metabolism. It also contains Chromium that keeps food cravings and blood sugar levels under control. This ingredient enhances intestinal health by inhibiting flatulence and indigestion.
- The resin of this tree is known to help balance the body’s Kapha Dosha.
- It is used in traditional hypercholesterolaemia treatment to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and reduce high cholesterol. It aids the body’s detoxification process and increases the metabolism of fat in the body.
- The roots and stems of this plant are used in the formulation of Ayurvedic medicines.
- It is used in traditional medicine to control Type II diabetes by acting on the final step in digestion of carbohydrates and on gut peptides.
- It is also known to be useful in weight management
- It also maintains a balance between Kapha, Pitta, and Vata and promotes good health.
- This herbal has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine due to its anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, antioxidant, anti-atherogenic, and gastro-productive effect.
- The extract of this tree is used in Ayurveda for its bowel regulatory and tissue regenerative properties.
- It is also used in Ayurveda as a fermentation initiator, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory
- It is used as a blood purifier and reduces vitiated Kapha and Vata Doshas
- Screw pine or Kewra
- Useful in the Ayurvedic treatment of digestive issues
- According to Ayurveda, it promotes ovulation, is a diuretic and helps in the treatment of glucose intolerance and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- This is the banana tree
- Ayurveda states that it has the benefits of reducing hypertension and improving bowel movement
- Ayurvedic Digestive
- Pacifies the Vata Dosha
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance that is naturally found in the human body. It is essential for certain bodily functions such as the production of Vitamin D, hormones, and bile. The human body is capable of making enough cholesterol for these functions. Cholesterol is also present in certain foods. While cholesterol is essential to the normal functioning of the body, an excessive amount of cholesterol can harm the body.
There are three different types of cholesterol, namely; HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein). HDL is the form of cholesterol that helps remove bad cholesterol from the blood. It is normally referred to as good cholesterol as it is beneficial to the body. LDL is usually referred to as bad cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol levels lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries. VLDL primarily refers to triglycerides and is also not considered to be good cholesterol.
Ayurveda and Cholesterol Problems - Ayurvedic View
In Ayurveda, the digestive process is central to good health in a person. When food is not digested properly there is a metabolic waste called Ama that is formed. This metabolism is performed by the Bhut Agnis in the liver. The resultant nutritive fluid called Rasa then transforms into the different Dhatus or tissues. If Ama is formed, it also penetrates the Dhatus. Lipids are the Medha Dhatu and when this is affected it also infiltrates the Rakta (blood plasma) and Mamsa (muscle) Dhatus. So good liver health helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
The way in which Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol control looks at and treats health problems is different from western medicine. The keystone principle of Ayurveda is the three bodily elements or doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurvedic medicine defines Shrotas as the circulatory channels of the body. The larger Raktavahi Shrotas such as the veins and arteries function to carry the blood to and from the heart while the smaller or micro Shrotas carry nutrients and waste to and from the cells of the body. Ayurveda considers cholesterol as the lubricant that keeps these Shrotas elastic and healthy.
Ama And Amavisha
Ayurveda calls the metabolic leftovers in the body Ama. It states that when there is Ama that has not been cleansed from the body, it accumulates and starts to spread thereby mixing with the Dhatus or the seven body tissues and Malas (metabolic waste) becoming Amavisha. The mixing of the Amavisha with fat causes the Shrotas to be damaged. This is the cause for heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and strokes.
Agni And Dhatus
In Ayurveda, the digestive process is given prime importance for maintaining good health in a person. Digestion is linked with Agni or the digestive fire of which there are 13 types that work together for digestion. They work sequentially with the principal digestive fire in the stomach and duodenum called the Jathar Agni. The metabolization of the food is then performed by the Bhut Agnis that are located in the liver. The food is transformed into Rasa or nutritive fluid. This then goes to the Dhatu Agnis that are in the seven tissues of the body of which the lipids in the body are called Meda Dhatu. As per Ayurveda, the Dhatus get metabolically transformed in the sequence of Rakta (blood plasma), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra (reproductive fluid). So, if Ama is present in the Rasa it gets sequentially added to the Dhatus which is what causes the Ama in fat tissue to be accumulated in both the Rakta and Mamsa Dhatus.
When the Meda Dhatu is imbalanced it causes the stiffness, clogging and distortion of the Rakhtavati Shrotas or blood vessels. This causes high blood pressure. As per Ayurveda, when Meda Dhatu is disturbed it causes high cholesterol. So, we can see that as per the principles of Ayurveda it is not the cholesterol itself that causes the problem but the Amavisha that is at the root of the problem.
The Liver
Since the liver is the organ that removes toxins before they enter the bloodstream, excessive toxin buildup can cause it to be overloaded and impaired thus disturbing the 13 Dhatu Agnis. The other factors that can unbalance or disturb the digestive process are mental, physical and environmental. The mental triggers are stress, overthinking and negative emotions. The physical causes are overeating, bad diet choices, improper eating schedule, eating despite having indigestion, ignoring natural urges and constipation. The environmental factors could be the consumption of food in the wrong season as well as eating impure food that has toxins such as additives, preservatives, chemicals and traces of fertilizer and pesticide. Environmental toxins are called Garvisha.
There are two sub doshas of Pitta, Pachaka Pitta and Ranjaka Pitta, that govern the digestion. Pachaka Pitta governs the breakdown of the food in the stomach and small intestine. Ranjaka Pitta governs the five Bhut Agnis, and also bile production, which is important in the digestion of fat. The Bhut Agnis scan and identify the different types of toxins. When the liver is healthy the Bhut Agnis successfully identify and eliminate these toxins and they do not pass into the Rasa and thereby into the body. But when the liver has to process excessive toxins it gets overloaded and overtime loses its ability to scan and eliminate them. There are Ayurvedic herbs that have the effect of increasing the production of bile. But a simple increase in bile production (which is also a mode of treatment for cholesterol in western medicine) is too simplistic a solution to a high cholesterol problem.
Cholesterol Ayurvedic medicine gives importance to increasing the ability of the liver to scan and eliminate toxins and thereby helps to regulate cholesterol levels. Also, when the progressive metabolism of tissue from Rasa is out of balance it causes a problem. An imbalanced Dhatu Agni can create too much or too little fat. This is why in addition to reducing the intake of harmful fats and to maintain the intake of good fats in reasonable quantities is important to avoid overloading the Meda Agni and the Bhut Agnis. Thus, we see that the principles of how to reduce triglycerides Ayurveda is quite different from that of western medicine.
Ayurveda looks at the production of too much cholesterol as the imbalance of the Kapha Dosha. Ayurvedic treatment for high cholesterol and triglycerides includes an Ayurvedic diet that balances the Kapha dosha. This has the effect of balancing the fat metabolism of the entire body. The diet that is prescribed to balance the Kapha dosha has food that has astringent, bitter or pungent tastes. Ayurveda also recommends avoiding sour, sweet and salty foods to balance Kapha dosha.
Kapha Pacifying Foods:
Astringent foods: Lentils, smaller split beans, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli) and fruits such as pears and apples are astringent foods.
Bitter foods: Leafy green vegetables help cleanse the bowels and prevent the accumulation of fats in the body.
Grains: Grains are recommended by Ayurveda to enhance the metabolism of fats. These include unprocessed whole oats, quinoa and amaranth.
Garlic: Garlic is said to be a great natural remedy for controlling cholesterol levels in the body. A mix of garlic, cloves, ginger, and lime juice taken before meals can be highly effective in controlling cholesterol.
Warm water and honey: A cup of warm water and honey in the morning can offer multiple health benefits including reduced cholesterol levels. This concoction helps rid the system of unwanted fats which in turn maintains healthy cholesterol levels. This mix can also be made more effective by adding lime juice or apple cider vinegar.
Trikatu: A great Kapha optimisation herbal remedy is Trikatu. One spoon of Trikatu mixed with honey twice a day can do great at regulating cholesterol levels. Trikatu is effective at burning Ama and excess Kapha in the system.
Apart from the foods, regulating cholesterol also depends heavily on maintaining a good healthy lifestyle that includes a steady balance of exercise and diet. Doing a regular workout is highly recommended as it helps burn fat and unhealthy cholesterol in the body.
Since the Kapha dosha is cool and earthy, it is recommended to eat warm food and avoid cold food and liquids. Also, replacing cooking oil with small amounts of healthy fats such as olive oil and ghee is recommended.
High Cholesterol Levels - An Overview
High cholesterol levels due to poor lifestyle choices are common for which high cholesterol treatments are prescribed. They are usually treated with drugs to block the liver from producing cholesterol. The drugs commonly used are Statins, Fibrates, Niacin, Bile Acid Sequestrants, and Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors.
1. Is Liposem Tablet recommended for Heart problems?
Liposem tablets help decrease triglycerides and LDL, it also regulates high cholesterol. The ayurvedic tablets also minimize any damage that is caused to the blood vessels, therefore offering protection from cardiac ailments.
2. Can Liposem Tablet be consumed with allopathic medicine?
Yes. Liposem can be consumed while you are taking allopathic medications. Please consult your Ayurveda physician to know more.
3. What diet should be followed if someone is on a Liposem Tablet?
You will have to follow a heart-healthy diet. This means that you have to avoid red meat, alcohol, smoking, added sugar and processed food. This is the way you can get all the benefits of the tablets.
4. Does Liposem Tablet help in improving the liver function?
Liposem tablets contain curry leaves which are good at keeping your liver healthy.
5. Is Liposem Tablet an ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver?
Liposem tablets are primarily aimed at reducing the bad cholesterol in your body. For fatty liver treatments, there are a variety of ayurvedic treatments available that include changes in ahara (diet/food), vihara (lifestyle) and vyama (mild exercises).
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