Used in Bronchitis, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Wheezing, Chest Pain
About Kafchintamani Ras
Kafchintamani Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine, with herbal and mineral ingredients, in tablet form. It is used in treating neurological symptoms. It is beneficial in hysteria, paralysis and insomnia.
Ingredients of Kafchintamani Ras
Swarna Bhasma -
- It is a natural aphrodisiac, cardiac tonic, immune booster and heavy to digest.
- It has scraping effect.
- It improves intelligence, memory, and speaking capacity.
- It is used in treatment of Malabsorption syndrome, Dyspepsia, Hiccup, Anaemia, Dyspnoea, Asthma, Fever, Tissue wasting, Tuberculosis, Impaired intelligence, Epilepsy, Rupture / weakness of ligaments, Heart disease, Disease due to Vata dosha, Syphilis, Poison, Loss of memory, Mania, Psychosis, Hoarseness of voice, Diseases of skin, Tuberculosis, Senility/Progeriasis.
- Brings out quickly the colour and beauty of the body.
- This restores the sexual power lost through excessive indulgence or old age.
- Its efficacy in skin ailments and syphilis is exceptional.
- This is specially prescribed in hemiplegia and complete paralysis.
Rajat Bhasma -
- It is astringent, sweet – sour in nature and taste. It is natural coolant.
- It has scraping quality, hence useful in cardio-vascular diseases.
- It improves skin complexion, digestion power, body strength and immunity, intelligence.
- It is an excellent rejuvenative, anti-aging medicine.
- It relieves burning sensation, used in treating memory loss, dizziness, excessive thirst, diabetes, Cachexia, Tissue wasting, Urinary disorders, Alcoholism, Poisoning, Fever, Uterine disorder, Epilepsy
- It is natural coolant.
- It relieves burning sensation.
- This is useful in menorrhagia and vomiting blood and is prescribed in vomiting and diarrhea due to nervous excitement.
Anti-atherosclerosis, Antacid, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Aphrodisiac, Cardio-tonic, Powerful cellular regenerator, Heart tonic, General body tonic, Energy booster, Hematogenic, Hepato-protective, Nervine stimulant, Immunomodulator.
Lauha Bhasma -- It is nourishing, sweet, sour and bitter in taste.
- It is coolant in nature and heavy to digest.
- It has scraping quality, hence useful in cardiovascular diseases.
- It improves strength, immunity, skin texture, complexion, memory, intelligence, digestive power and acts as natural aphrodisiac.
- It is useful in gastric complaints, skin diseases, eye disorders, bloating, splenomegaly, helminthiasis, obesity, diabetes, vomiting, asthma, bronchitis, herpes, abdominal colic, chronic respiratory disorders, liver disorders, piles, fistula, chronic diseases, emaciation, muscle wasting, dizziness, delusion.
- It is used in treatment of eye disorders, pthisis, chronic respiratory diseases, cough, cold, bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, bleeding hemorrhoids, menorrhagia etc, excessive sweating, night sweating, toxic conditions, painful micturition and leucorrhoea etc.
- It improves digestive power, vision power, immunity and skin complexion.
- It is a natural coolant, undergoes digestion and assimilation very fast, sweet in nature and taste.
- It improves skin complexion, eye power, digestion power and nourishment.
- It is used in treatment of cough, cold, Bronchitis, Asthma, Toxic conditions, dyspepsia, gastritis, anorexia.
- It acts as natural aphrodisiac and anti aging medicine.
used to boost immune system, to improve strength, in cardiac diseases, colicky abdominal pain, urinary tract related diseases, fistula in ano, inflammatory conditions, tuberculosis, chronic respiratory conditions, asthma, anemia, obesity, non healing wounds, and digestive problems.
Indication of Kafchintamani RasImproves Sensory and Motor performance in chronic neurological conditions
Dosage of Kafchintamani Ras1 to 2 Tablets to be taken in the morning and evening with luke warm milk or as directed by the Physician.
Precautions of Kafchintamani RasThis medicine should only be taken under strict medical supervision.
Self medication with this medicine may prove to be dangerous.
It is to be avoided in children and pregnant ladies.
Make sure to select this medicine from a good company.
Overdosage may cause side effects like tremors, dizziness etc.
Make sure to take this medicine only in the prescribed dose and for the prescribed period of time.
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.