Axiom Pain Power Tablets (40tab)

IndicationEffective in Arthritis and Joint Pain
Effective in Arthritis and Joint Pain
Ingredients :- Ashwagandha Withania Somnifra 10%
- Meethi Suranjan Colchicum Luteum 10%
- Sonth Zingiber Lfficinnale 10%
- Widhara Argyreiaspeciosa 10%
- Kulanjan Alpiniagalonga 5%
- Chob Chini Smilax Cnina 5%
- Gokhru Tribulus Terrestris 5%
- Punarnava Boehaavia Diffusa 10%
- Arjun Terminalia Arjuna 10%
- Motha Cyberus Rotundus 5%
- Haldi Curcuma Longa 5%
- Giloye Tinosporacordifolia 5%
- Pasran Paederia Foetioa 5%
- Salai Gugglu Guswellia Serrata 5%
1 to 2 tab. Twice a day with like warm water for adult.
Terms and Conditions
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.
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