Pinda Thailam
Pinda Thailam by Kerala Ayurveda is known to have medicinal properties that can help patients experiencing a burning sensation in joints as a result of degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis or similar causes. It is used externally on the affected body parts. Pinda Thailam is utilized for ayurvedic therapy such as Janusvati, Abhyanga, Dhara, etc.
Autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorders cause warmth, redness, pain, and swelling. It is prepared specially by following the ancient ayurvedic process of developing medicated oil to relieve burning sensation in joints and feet.
The patients with symptoms will be required to apply Pinda Thailam oil on the body before bathing.
The key ingredients used are as below.
Contraindications & Side-effects
Ayurvedic view
In Ayurveda, Vatarakta is the disease caused due to vitiated Vata and Rakta. When increased Vata in our body is blocked in its route by contaminated Rakta, Vatarakta occurs. The increased Vata contaminates the blood.
This way of examining Vata and Rakta as a tool is explained in Ayurveda. Autoimmune conditions can be challenging to diagnose. Ayurveda uses Vatarakta as a tool to understand this.
The arthritis patients usually have symptoms such as burning sensation at joints and fits.
The following are the symptoms to be recognized for the treatment of disease.
Pinda Thailam by Kerala Ayurveda is known to have medicinal properties that can help patients experiencing a burning sensation in joints as a result of degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis or similar causes. It is used externally on the affected body parts. Pinda Thailam is utilized for ayurvedic therapy such as Janusvati, Abhyanga, Dhara, etc.
Autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorders cause warmth, redness, pain, and swelling. It is prepared specially by following the ancient ayurvedic process of developing medicated oil to relieve burning sensation in joints and feet.
The patients with symptoms will be required to apply Pinda Thailam oil on the body before bathing.
The key ingredients used are as below.
- Madhuchistha (Bees Wax)
- Manjishtha (Rubia Cordifolia)
- Sarja Rasa (Balasamondron Myrrah)
- Sveta Sariva (Hemidesmis Indicus)
- Tila Thaila (Sesamum Indicum)
- It can benefit patients who are undergoing treatment for gout arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It contains a combination of medicinal ingredients which can help in fighting the swelling and pain at joints. It is an ayurvedic medicine known to be used to help people experience relief from burning sensation in joints, and bones and inflammation.
- Massaging the feet with Pinda Thailam helps in relieving the burning sensation experienced by elderly in their feet.
- The medicinal compound helps in burning sensation in knee, joints and feet, tenderness and stiffness.
- In the case of back pain, it helps in the healing process of the inflammation and is known to provide relief for patients suffering from backaches.
- Massaging with Pinda Thailam helps provide relief from itchiness and burning sensation caused by varicose veins.
Contraindications & Side-effects
- There are no side-effects noticed for its external application because of herbal medicinal ingredients.
- It is recommended for external use only.
- Consult your doctor if it is consumed orally.
Ayurvedic view
In Ayurveda, Vatarakta is the disease caused due to vitiated Vata and Rakta. When increased Vata in our body is blocked in its route by contaminated Rakta, Vatarakta occurs. The increased Vata contaminates the blood.
This way of examining Vata and Rakta as a tool is explained in Ayurveda. Autoimmune conditions can be challenging to diagnose. Ayurveda uses Vatarakta as a tool to understand this.
The arthritis patients usually have symptoms such as burning sensation at joints and fits.
The following are the symptoms to be recognized for the treatment of disease.
- Morning stiffness around the joints
- Three or more joints had soft tissue swelling or fluid
- Arthritis of hand joints
- Symmetric Arthritis - Simultaneous arthritis at both sides of the body
- Rheumatoid nodules
- Rheumatoid Arthritis & joint erosions in radiography
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