SBL Scalptone Tabs (25g)

For Hairfall, Grey hair, Dandruff, Strengthens Roots of Hair
4.4 (cm) x 4.4 (cm) x 7.2 (cm)
SBL Scalptone is Homeopathic remedy for scalp and hair care. It helps to improve condition of hair.
Indications of Scalptone Tablets:Excessive hair loss, Itching, Irritation and dryness on scalp, Thinning and splitting of hair, Dandruff.
Composition:Each Tablet contains:
- Acidum fluoricum 3x: Alopecia. Caries of skin. Pressure on sides of head from within outward.
- Acidum Phosphoricum 3x: The hair becomes gray early or flaxen, and very greasy, falls off.
- Natrum muriaticum 3x: Abundant falling off of hair (as soon as it is touched).
- Calcarea phosphoricum 3x: Important tissue remedies, helps in nourishment of the required nutrients and improves the quality of hair.
- Badiaga 3x: Dandruff; scalp sore, dry, tetter-like. Dull, dizzy feeling in head.
Excipients q.s to 1 tablet of 250mg
Dosage/Directions for use of Scalptone Tablets:
- Adults: 2 Tablets 4-6 times daily.
- Children: Half of the adult's doses.
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.