REPL Dr. Advice No 76 - Ovary Troubles (30ml)

Ovary Pain with Swelling, Ovarian Cyst and swellings, Delayed Menstruation.
REPL 76, ovary
PropertiesDimensions 3.5 (cm) x 3.5 (cm) x 8.6 (cm)
Dr. Advice No. 76 (Ovary Troubles) Composition (Ingredients):
- Lachesis 30x
- Apis Mellifica Q
- Cimicifuga Racemosacina (Actaea racemosa) Q
- Pulsatilla Nigricans Q
- Magnesium Phosphoricum 30x
- Naja Tripudians 6
Cramping pain in L.ovary or R.ovary. Aching in ovary with pain in heart, grow worse till menses appear, then easier till next month, Ovarian tumours.
Mode of Action:- Lachesis 30x: Pain from ovaries to uterus, Before menses throbbing in head.
- Apis Mellifica Q: Swelling and dropsy of the ovaries, hot and pain in either ovarian region.
- Cimicifuga Racemosacina (Actaea racemosa) Q: Pain in ovarian region shoot upward tries to injure herself.
- Pulsatilla Nigricans Q: Affections in general of the female genital organs, of the uterus, of the ovaries.
- Magnesium Phosphoricum 30x: Cramps in uterus, sometimes with pains in loins and depression, early and too copious.
- Naja Tripudians 6: Crappy pain in left ovary, Aching in left ovary with pains in heart come on a week before menses.
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3 times daily for 3 months.
Terms and ConditionsHomeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.