REPL Dr. Advice No 73 - Nasal Polyp (30ml)

Polyp in Nose, Blocked Nose with Watery Discharge, Rhinitis
REPL 73, polyp
PropertiesDimensions 3.5 (cm) x 3.5 (cm) x 8.6 (cm)
Dr. Advice No. 73 (Nasal Polyp) Composition (Ingredients):
- Sanguinarinum Nitricum Q
- Lemna Minor Q
- Teucrium 6x
- Thuja Q
- Calcerea Flour 30x
Is of use in polypus of the nose. Acute and chronic catarrh. Acute pharyngitis. Smarting and burning in throat. Chronic nasal, Laryngeal catarrh.
Mode of Action:- Sanguinarinum Nitricum Q: Increased flow of saliva with sneezing and burning in forehead.
- Lemna Minor Q: Polypi which swelling wet weather loss of smell. Nose blocked with polypi plugged by swollen.
- Teucrium 6x: Nose red and hot. Painful pressure at root of nose. Swelling in the alae nasi.
- Thuja Q: Stoppage of nostrils. Crawling in nostrils with sneezing.
- Calcerea Flour 30x: Copious, Thick, greenish- yellow nasal catarrh hard polyp.
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 4-5 times daily. In chronic cases, every 2 hours.
Terms and ConditionsHomeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.