Punarnavadi Kwath
Punarnavadi Kwath is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine that has anti-inflammatory properties that can help find relief from fever and cough.
The Punarnavadi Kwath is helpful in the Ayurvedic treatment of water retention and inflammatory conditions. It contains potent ingredients widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for cough. Some contain anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic properties Making them viable for ayurvedic fever medicine.
Punarnnava (Boerhaavia diffusa)
15ml twice a day diluted in 60ml of boiled and cooled water or as directed by an Ayurvedic physician.
Ayurvedic Perspective on Swelling And Water Retention
Any swelling in the body is caused by excessive fluid accumulation in that part. This is also called Oedema or Edema. Swelling may be localised to a certain part of the body. Water retention in the whole body can cause the person to gain weight suddenly.
Oedema caused by the imbalance of different Doshas has different characteristics. The Kapha Dosha is the Dosha that governs the fluids in the body. So it is rather common to see issues with oedema and swelling in Kapha dominant people. This swelling is the most severe of all and there is a depression in the skin surface that remains for a short while when the area is pressed.
Vata Dosha governs movement and sometimes when the movement and elimination of fluids are not proper there are swelling and oedema. This is the type of oedema that is caused by inefficient blood circulation. It would be accompanied by dry skin and protruding veins. There is no sign of depression when the skin is depressed. The Pitta Dosha can also cause swelling and oedema by blocking channels due to its heaty nature. This swelling has a burning and redness associated with it. It is most commonly an inflammation that is the result of trauma or injury to the area. Sometimes it is also caused by a bite or an allergy.
The treatment of oedema will have to be specific to the causative Dosha. Punarnava is a herb that is used to reduce all kinds of swelling by removing the excess fluid. It is also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
Ayurveda calls fever as Jwara. It is when there is a lower temperature in the digestive tract and higher temperature on the outer surfaces of the body. It is usually a symptom of some other problem or infection. It is usually found in Pitta related problems. Ayurvedic medicine for fever balances the temperature between the outside and the digestive tract. Ayurvedic cough medicine corrects the Dosha imbalance that causes the irritation of the airways triggering a cough.
Water Retention – An overview
Water or fluid retention occurs when the body does not efficiently remove excess fluids from the body. The main organs and systems that function to eliminate excess water are the kidneys, circulatory system, lymphatic system and hormones. When one or more of these do not function properly there is a retention of fluid.
The treatment of water retention targets the cause of it. One short term treatment is diuretics that encourage the kidneys to eliminate more water. The organ system that is not functioning optimally will be treated. A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle will be encouraged to be more active in order to enhance circulation. If the swelling is because of inflammation or an allergy it will be treated with anti-inflammatory, anti-infective or anti-histamine medication. Fever is treated with antipyretics and cough with anti-tussive and expectorant medication.
Punarnavadi Kwath is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine that has anti-inflammatory properties that can help find relief from fever and cough.
The Punarnavadi Kwath is helpful in the Ayurvedic treatment of water retention and inflammatory conditions. It contains potent ingredients widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for cough. Some contain anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic properties Making them viable for ayurvedic fever medicine.
Punarnnava (Boerhaavia diffusa)
- It is used in Ayurveda as a diuretic and an anti-inflammatory.
- It is found in two varieties. Shweta is the white variety while Rakta is the red variety.
- It balances the Kapha and Vata Doshas
- It is useful in the Ayurvedic treatment of liver problems, cardiac problems, hypertension, cough, cold, abdominal pain, menorrhagia, haemorrhoids and as an aphrodisiac.
- It is especially useful in the treatment of excessive water retention in the case of patients who have been using steroids for an extended period of time.
- It is used as an anti-toxic in traditional medicine.
- The Neem tree
- All the different parts of this tree are used in traditional folk medicine and Ayurveda.
- It is used to treat wounds, stomach problems, diabetes, worms, skin problems, piles and eye issues. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine to protect the liver and also helps in detoxification.
- The bark and leaves of the Neem tree are used as a blood purifier, to prevent vomiting, nausea and fever.
- The leaves have a carminative effect.
- The flowers are used for stomach disorders.
- The neem tree balances the Kapha and Pitta Doshas
- Snake gourd
- Supports the health of the digestive system
- Is useful in traditional medicine as a blood purifier
- Ginger is called universal medicine as per the ancient texts of Ayurveda
- It supports the digestive fire Agni and aids in proper digestion
- It is also an immunity booster
- It is heating in nature and calms the Vata Dosha and balances Kapha Dosha
- One of the potent Dasha Moola herbs
- Is an Ayurvedic anti-inflammatory
- It is used as an adaptogen and as an anti-stress herb
- It pacifies all the three Doshas.
- This herb is an excellent detoxifier to remove the Ama from the body.
- It is used in traditional medicine for its properties of being an immunomodulator, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, digestive, hypoglycemic, anti-constipation, antacid, analgesic, antioxidant, antimutagenic, gastrointestinal protective, detoxifier and hematogenic
- It is useful in the treatment of infection, immune deficiency, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fever, chronic fever, recurrent colds and infections, chronic fatigue and chronic catarrh
- Since it is an immunomodulator and antipyretic it is very useful in the traditional treatment of infections and fever. It boosts the body’s ability to fight infection
- Is the Tree turmeric
- Used in Ayurveda as an antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory
- Is used to balance all three Doshas
- Helps to detoxify and support healing in Ayurvedic medicine
15ml twice a day diluted in 60ml of boiled and cooled water or as directed by an Ayurvedic physician.
Ayurvedic Perspective on Swelling And Water Retention
Any swelling in the body is caused by excessive fluid accumulation in that part. This is also called Oedema or Edema. Swelling may be localised to a certain part of the body. Water retention in the whole body can cause the person to gain weight suddenly.
Oedema caused by the imbalance of different Doshas has different characteristics. The Kapha Dosha is the Dosha that governs the fluids in the body. So it is rather common to see issues with oedema and swelling in Kapha dominant people. This swelling is the most severe of all and there is a depression in the skin surface that remains for a short while when the area is pressed.
Vata Dosha governs movement and sometimes when the movement and elimination of fluids are not proper there are swelling and oedema. This is the type of oedema that is caused by inefficient blood circulation. It would be accompanied by dry skin and protruding veins. There is no sign of depression when the skin is depressed. The Pitta Dosha can also cause swelling and oedema by blocking channels due to its heaty nature. This swelling has a burning and redness associated with it. It is most commonly an inflammation that is the result of trauma or injury to the area. Sometimes it is also caused by a bite or an allergy.
The treatment of oedema will have to be specific to the causative Dosha. Punarnava is a herb that is used to reduce all kinds of swelling by removing the excess fluid. It is also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
Ayurveda calls fever as Jwara. It is when there is a lower temperature in the digestive tract and higher temperature on the outer surfaces of the body. It is usually a symptom of some other problem or infection. It is usually found in Pitta related problems. Ayurvedic medicine for fever balances the temperature between the outside and the digestive tract. Ayurvedic cough medicine corrects the Dosha imbalance that causes the irritation of the airways triggering a cough.
Water Retention – An overview
Water or fluid retention occurs when the body does not efficiently remove excess fluids from the body. The main organs and systems that function to eliminate excess water are the kidneys, circulatory system, lymphatic system and hormones. When one or more of these do not function properly there is a retention of fluid.
The treatment of water retention targets the cause of it. One short term treatment is diuretics that encourage the kidneys to eliminate more water. The organ system that is not functioning optimally will be treated. A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle will be encouraged to be more active in order to enhance circulation. If the swelling is because of inflammation or an allergy it will be treated with anti-inflammatory, anti-infective or anti-histamine medication. Fever is treated with antipyretics and cough with anti-tussive and expectorant medication.
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