Our Wild Honey is made from original, authentic honeys that are collected from forests, not farms.
It contains the best of antioxidants, minerals and enzymes. Neither pasteurized, nor heated or processed.
Since it is 100% natural, the smell, color and taste depend on the types of flowers the bees have visited. It changes from season to season.
- It helps build immunity and its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties suppress cold and cough and also keep other infections away.
- As it is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it thoroughly nourishes the skin by cleaning the pores and promotes the growth of new cells.
- As it is unlike refined sugar or other types of honey that contains added jaggery or preservatives, it keeps you energized and boosts metabolism. Thus, your weight management stays in check.
- This honey lowers cholesterol levels and help you maintain a healthy heart.