Sometimes illness or other problems may make a person weak and emaciated. The ancient science of Ayurveda has natural remedies for such circumstances. When a person is very lean and lacking in strength, an Ayurvedic herbal restorative such as Bhringarajasavam is prescribed. Bhringarajasavam also has components that are used in Ayurveda to restore Kapha Pitta balance and in the formulation of an Ayurvedic remedy for fatty liver.
Bhringarajasavam is an Ayurvedic medicine that is formulated with ingredients that have properties that make them highly nutritive and work as a restorative. It contains powerful ingredients that are used in the formulation of herbal medicine to improve liver function and helps support a healthy metabolism. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat coughs, colds, and as an immunomodulator. It is useful in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac and fertility enhancer. The herb Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) is used in traditional medicine for its antibacterial properties, the ability to soothe coughs and colds, reduce hair loss, and enhance sexual vigour. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) is an Ayurvedic herb that gives this formulation its restorative qualities while Pippali (Piper longum) is a popular home remedy that has been used for generations to treat cough, cold and overcrowding.
Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba)
Ayurveda And Liver Health
Ayurveda defines the digestive process as central to the good health of a person. Digestion is largely dependent on the Agni or digestive fire. The Agni in a person should be of adequate strength for the digestion to be efficient. When the digestive and metabolic process is efficient there is no metabolic waste formed. Improper digestion causes the formation of a metabolic waste called Ama. Ama is the cause of health problems. The metabolic process in the liver is by the Bhut Agnis. The process creates a nutritive fluid called the Rasa. The Rasa is then processed by the Dhatu Agnis. These Dhatu Agnis then transform the Rasa into the seven tissue groups of the body. The order of processing is Rakta (blood plasma), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra (reproductive fluid). When there is Ama formed in the main digestive process it then gets carried through to the Dhatus through the Rasas.
The liver is a hot organ as per the principles of Ayurveda. It is related to the Pitta Dosha and the Agni. The Agnis that are in the liver is the five Bhuta Agnis that represent the five elements. Pitta is composed of the fire and water elements and governs the heat in the body. The gall bladder and the liver are both Pitta organs and the gallbladder supplies bile to the small intestine which is the main home of Pitta.
Since the liver performs the function of filtration of the Ama, a healthy liver will be able to eliminate the Ama at this stage itself. This is ideal for maintaining good health. A liver that is not functioning enough to remove Ama causes disease. The liver health should be supported in order to ensure that the Ama gets filtered out. This makes the health of the liver and a person’s overall good health closely interlinked. Ayurvedic medicine, diet recommendations, and way of life all aim at eliminating toxins from the body and preventing the formation of Ama.
When there is a buildup of Ama it also causes an imbalance in the Doshas. This triggers other health issues. If a person is already suffering the consequences of an Ama buildup, detoxification is the primary process through internal medication as well as external Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments. Certain herbs are used traditionally to purify the body and support liver function. One should drink enough water to flush out the toxins. The removal of Ama purifies the blood and helps the body to heal.
An Overview Of The Liver And Its Functions
The liver plays a vital role in detoxifying the blood and filtering out toxins. It is also an integral part of the digestive system. It is the organ that produces important hormones, synthesises proteins, and filters out unwanted substances from the blood. It gets easily damaged by exposure to alcohol, certain drugs, and other pollutants. The bile produced in the liver is stored in the gallbladder and is essential to the process of digestion. It stores and manages the balance of glycogen. The liver is also responsible for the breaking down of molecules like cholesterol, lipids, and protein. When the protein metabolism is inefficient there is a weakness in the muscles of the body. The liver regulates the metabolism, blood volume, and pressure. Any irregularity or shortfall in the ability of the liver to function normally causes weakness in the person.
Sometimes illness or other problems may make a person weak and emaciated. The ancient science of Ayurveda has natural remedies for such circumstances. When a person is very lean and lacking in strength, an Ayurvedic herbal restorative such as Bhringarajasavam is prescribed. Bhringarajasavam also has components that are used in Ayurveda to restore Kapha Pitta balance and in the formulation of an Ayurvedic remedy for fatty liver.
Bhringarajasavam is an Ayurvedic medicine that is formulated with ingredients that have properties that make them highly nutritive and work as a restorative. It contains powerful ingredients that are used in the formulation of herbal medicine to improve liver function and helps support a healthy metabolism. It is also used in traditional medicine to treat coughs, colds, and as an immunomodulator. It is useful in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac and fertility enhancer. The herb Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) is used in traditional medicine for its antibacterial properties, the ability to soothe coughs and colds, reduce hair loss, and enhance sexual vigour. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) is an Ayurvedic herb that gives this formulation its restorative qualities while Pippali (Piper longum) is a popular home remedy that has been used for generations to treat cough, cold and overcrowding.
Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba)
- This herb is classified as Rasayana in Ayurveda. Rasayana herbs are believed to enhance longevity and have rejuvenating properties.
- It is also used in Ayurvedic medicines for its properties of being antiviral, antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.
- It is used as a hepatoprotective in Ayurvedic medicine to improve liver function
- It is useful in traditional medicine for bleeding disorders and for hair, teeth, and inflammation. It is believed to be useful in enhancing a person’s sexual vigour
- It is an appetizer and helps stimulate the digestive fire Agni.
- Is used to balance all three Doshas
- It helps to detoxify, support healing and is an Ayurvedic medicine liver problems
- Pacifies the Vata and Kapha Doshas
- Improves the metabolism
- Used in Ayurveda as an analgesic and antipyretic
- Is a traditional remedy to ease symptoms of cough and cold
- Nutmeg
- It is used in Ayurveda as an antiinflammatory
- Clove
- Is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a carminative, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
- It is used in the formulation of Ayurvedic medicine to improve liver health and fight liver toxicity
- Is used in traditional medicine as a carminative, haemostatic, antiseptic, astringent, antispasmodic, and Ayurvedic medicine to improve liver health.
- Cardamom
- It balances Kapha and Vata Doshas
- It is used in Ayurveda as an antioxidant in treating asthma, hypertension, dysuria, and indigestion
- Useful in Ayurvedic treatment of inflammation of the uterus, tuberculosis, indigestion, flatulence, running nose and as a cardiac tonic and to improve renal function
- Reduces the vitiated Kapha and Vata Doshas
- It is used in herbal medicine as an antiinflammatory
- Useful in treating infertility in Ayurveda
- Balances the Vata and Pitta Doshas
- It is a blood purifier
Ayurveda And Liver Health
Ayurveda defines the digestive process as central to the good health of a person. Digestion is largely dependent on the Agni or digestive fire. The Agni in a person should be of adequate strength for the digestion to be efficient. When the digestive and metabolic process is efficient there is no metabolic waste formed. Improper digestion causes the formation of a metabolic waste called Ama. Ama is the cause of health problems. The metabolic process in the liver is by the Bhut Agnis. The process creates a nutritive fluid called the Rasa. The Rasa is then processed by the Dhatu Agnis. These Dhatu Agnis then transform the Rasa into the seven tissue groups of the body. The order of processing is Rakta (blood plasma), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra (reproductive fluid). When there is Ama formed in the main digestive process it then gets carried through to the Dhatus through the Rasas.
The liver is a hot organ as per the principles of Ayurveda. It is related to the Pitta Dosha and the Agni. The Agnis that are in the liver is the five Bhuta Agnis that represent the five elements. Pitta is composed of the fire and water elements and governs the heat in the body. The gall bladder and the liver are both Pitta organs and the gallbladder supplies bile to the small intestine which is the main home of Pitta.
Since the liver performs the function of filtration of the Ama, a healthy liver will be able to eliminate the Ama at this stage itself. This is ideal for maintaining good health. A liver that is not functioning enough to remove Ama causes disease. The liver health should be supported in order to ensure that the Ama gets filtered out. This makes the health of the liver and a person’s overall good health closely interlinked. Ayurvedic medicine, diet recommendations, and way of life all aim at eliminating toxins from the body and preventing the formation of Ama.
When there is a buildup of Ama it also causes an imbalance in the Doshas. This triggers other health issues. If a person is already suffering the consequences of an Ama buildup, detoxification is the primary process through internal medication as well as external Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments. Certain herbs are used traditionally to purify the body and support liver function. One should drink enough water to flush out the toxins. The removal of Ama purifies the blood and helps the body to heal.
An Overview Of The Liver And Its Functions
The liver plays a vital role in detoxifying the blood and filtering out toxins. It is also an integral part of the digestive system. It is the organ that produces important hormones, synthesises proteins, and filters out unwanted substances from the blood. It gets easily damaged by exposure to alcohol, certain drugs, and other pollutants. The bile produced in the liver is stored in the gallbladder and is essential to the process of digestion. It stores and manages the balance of glycogen. The liver is also responsible for the breaking down of molecules like cholesterol, lipids, and protein. When the protein metabolism is inefficient there is a weakness in the muscles of the body. The liver regulates the metabolism, blood volume, and pressure. Any irregularity or shortfall in the ability of the liver to function normally causes weakness in the person.
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