Normal development milestone is when the first period (menarche) starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop.
Alarsin Aloes Compound Tablet (100 tab)

For Female Infertility, Scanty menses, Amenorrhoea & Dysmenorrhoea

Dysmenorrhoea or cramps occur in around 80% of women and 40% also experience bloating, mood swings, clumsiness and tiredness.

Stress, drastic weight change, poor diet, hormonal imbalance are some reasons that cause scanty periods.

May be caused by the onset of puberty, menopause, birth control pills or excessive fasting and exercise.

About Alarsin Aloes Compound
Effective menstrual health management
- Effective in Menstrual Disorders as:
- Irregular and Scanty periods
- Amenorrhea
- Dysmenorrhea
- Delayed Menarche
- This non-hormonal drug can be beneficially used to promote conception in cases of primary and secondary sterility.
- It represents a broad spectrum of activity.
– Mainly working as fertility agent in infertility
– Ovulation inducing drug in irregular cycles
– Enhancing glycogen content in hypo glycogen uterus
Positive advantages of Aloes Compound Treatment
- Stimulates and establishes normal ovulatory menstrual cycles.
- Ensures proper quality and quantity of cervical mucous.
- Enhances receptivity for conception up to 50% to 60%.
- No danger of hyper-stimulation of ovaries as in the cases with Clomiphene and Gonadotrophin.
- Improves general health Haematinic, Liver corrective, Relieves constipation, Induces a sense of well-being.
- Convenient and safe especially for teenagers and unmarried where pelvic examination, investigations, and hormonal treatment are not possible or desirable.
- Aloes Compound can be given advantageously to counter side effects after discontinuation of contraceptive pills.
Active Ingredients
Aloes 70mg, Hirabol 70mg, Majith 35mg, Humal 35mg, Kasis bhasma 30mg, Kamboji 30mg
How To Use
- Irregular and Scanty Menses, Amenorrhoea, Delayed Menarche: 2 tablets twice or thrice a day for 3-4 months. (Discontinue when pregnancy is suspected).
- Dysmenorrhoea: 2 tablets thrice a day from 3 to 5 days before the expected date of menses till menses begin and pain subsides. To be repeated for 3-4 cycles.
- To counteract side effects of Contraceptive pills: 2 tablets twice or thrice a day
(a course of 100 to 200 tablets). To be repeated as and when required.
Female Infertility: When menstrual pattern and quantity of flow are normal, to induce normal ovulatory cycles & to improve fertility index, 2 tablets twice a day, starting from 1st day of m.c. to the 14th day of the cycle. To be repeated every cycle till wife misses the period and pregnancy is confirmed
Terms and Conditions
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.