REPL Dr. Advice No 57 - Hysteria (30ml)
For Depression, Emotional Disturbances, Bi Polar Disorders
Also known as
REPL 57, hyster
Form Drops
Weight 50 (gms)
Dimensions 3.5 (cm) x 3.5 (cm) x 8.6 (cm)
Dr. Advice No. 57 (Hysteria) Composition (Ingredients):
- Moschos 3x
- Ignatia Amara 6x
- Nux Moschata 6x
- Zincum Valerianum Q
- Cimicifuga Racemosacina (Actaea racemosa) Q
Indication: The medicine especially adapted to the nervous temperament. Mentally, The emotional element is uppermost, and coordination of function is interfered with. Hence, it is one of the chief remedy for behavioral problems Mode of Action:
- Moschos 3x: Great absence of mind, sometimes with confused speech, fearful mind.
- Ignatia Amara 6x: Anxious to do now this, now that Impatience. Strong disposition to do frightened.
- Nux Moschata 6x: Great inclination to laugh, sometimes with a stupid look, as if imbecile.
- Zincum Valerianum Q: Great fullness of head, with difficult thinking, Distressed mentally, mind all mixed up.
- Cimicifuga Racemosacina (Actaea racemosa) Q: Power peral mania- Suicidal -Incessant talking, fear of death.
Dose: 10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3 times daily. Terms and Conditions Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.