SBL Hydrastis Canadensis Mother Tincture (30ml)
Eruptions, Swellings, Chapped lips, Ear Pain, Ulcers, Cripples nails
It helps person to get less irritated and feel less dejected and sad
Decreased anger in the evening and night with suicidal thoughts
Relieves the headache and vertigo when moving the head, cold sweating on the scalp
Good remedy for ulcers on the cornea, conjunctivitis with pus discharge, eyes sensitive to air and the vision that is affected by reading
Very effective for those who sneeze and are exposed to slightest amount of cold air or dry wind with a runny nose and nose blockage with yellow discharge
Great for recovering the tonsillitis with pus, pain going till the ear when swallowing
Reduces the cough in the morning with a lot of suffocation
Good remedy for bronchial asthma which is worse in dry cold air and better in damp weather
Keeps the skin acne free and healthy and relieves the ulcers surrounded with the small red pimples