Dr. Willmar Schwabe Biocombination No. 20 (550gm)

Dr. Willmar Schwabe Biocombination No. 20 (550gm)

Dr. Willmar Schwabe Biocombination No. 20 (550gm)

Regular price Rs. 735.00

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Skin Diseases • Supportive drug in the treatment of skin diseases.

PRESENTATION: Tablets of 100 mg in bottles of 20g.

If you are a doctor, please click here for more information.



Adults 4 tablets, children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours.


Adults 4 tablets, children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours.


MANUFACTURED IN INDIA: by Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. A-36, Sector-60, Uttar Pradesh, Noida - 201304.


REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS: Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd. H-36, Green Park Extension, New Delhi, Pin: 110016.

EXPIRY: 5 years for the date of manufacturing.




Scurfy eruption on the scalps and in the face of children; eczemas and similar complaints due to uterine disorders, acne, pemphigus, herpes, erysipelas, crusta lactea and similar eruptive diseases.

Diseases affecting skin is very frequent and of various types, causes, severity and complexities. Skin is made up of epidermis and dermis. The later consists of fibrous tissues, blood vessels, nerves, sebaceous & sweat glands and hair follicles. Differentiation is must to have maximum result from the Bioplasgen/Biocombination 20. 

  1. Abnormality of sensation like itching (pruritis) anaesthesia, hyperaesthesia are generally of nervous origin. Itching could also be due to local factors or allergens. A diffuse area of redness with dilated capillaries which disappear on pressure is called erythema. It is common in drug rashes. Round spots of measles, rubella and syphilis which are red or copper coloured not raised above the surface of skin is called macules, whereas, small solid elevated pimple like eruption is called papules. Vesicles are small-elevated blisters containing clear fluid and if they are large, half inch or more in diameter, it is called bullae. Vesicles containing pus (purulent fluid) which on rapture produces crusts or scabs is know as pustules. Scales are dried part of epidermis and crusts are caused by drying purulent exudates which are also called scabs. Wheal is round or elongated elevation of temporary nature as in urticaria which may be small or large, local or generalised. Abrasions technically are called excoriations and loss of tissues is ulcer. Haemorrhagic patches are petechiae and large bruises are called ecchymoses. 

  2. The causes of skin problem may be exogenous like trauma, accidents, burns, acid or alkali action, chemical, radiation, detergents, soap and many allergens or endogenous due to infections, toxins, drugs, allergens, disorder of circulation, tumours and even psychosomatic causes in sensitive persons. 

  3. Acne, boils and carbuncles can be group together. Accumulation of fat / grease in ducts of sebaceous glands is acne, sometimes of infections origin whereas boil or furuncle is deep-seated inflammation, painful with pus terminating with brusting. Carbuncle is a larger, deeper lesion involving subcutaneous tissues. Impetigo is contagious, the small red spots rapidly develop into vesicles and pustules and rapture. It is found more in children. Sycosis is another rush condition of beard area of adults and is due to infection. 

  4. Dermatitis or eczema is non-contagious inflammation breaking out the skin which may be dry or wet normally caused by external irritants; if sebaceous glands are involved, it is known by more specific term seborrhoea. 

  5. Some parasites also invade like tinea (ringworm), pediculosis (lice) or scabies (an insect sarcoptes scabies) causing lesions and itch. 

  6. Herpes is an painful inflammatory condition with cluster of vesicles associated with fever more localised on nerve areas. It is viral in origin. In urticarea wheals appear and they are purely of allergic origin. Allergic cutaneous oval Swelling due to circulating toxin is called erythema nodosum. 

  7. Psoriasis is characterised by presence of red patches covered by silver-grey scales on various parts of body without affecting the general health. It is common in tropics and sometime associated with rheumatoid arthritis. 

  8. Disorders of pigmentation are due to diseases like jaundice, anaemia, varicose veins, ulcers, burns or due to disease like leucoderma.

NOTE: For optimum effect of Bioplasgen/Biocombination 20, please use in the indicated area for use. In other cases, it is used with specific medicines as supplement for quick relief. 


Calcarea fluorica 6x, Calcarea Sulphuricum 6x, Kalium sulphuricum 3x, Natrum muriaticum 6x, Natrum sulphuricum 3x in equal proportion.

PROVEN INDICATIONS of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:

Calcarea fluorica: Itis indicated for hard elevated edges of ulcers, scar tissues, chaps, fissures, crack, suppuration with callous hard edge, swellings, indurated enlargements and whitlow or marked whiteness of skin. 

Calcarea sulphurica: Itis indicated for wounds, bruises, unhealthy skin discharging pus, yellow, purulent forming crusts, scabs, pimples and dry eczema. 

Kalium sulphuricum: Itis indicated for psoriasis, eczema, burning, itching, papular eruption, nettle rash, polyp, epithelioma, seborrhoea, and ringworms. It lowers mucous & serous discharges, as well as inflammations. 

Natrum muriaticum: Itis suited to greasy / oily skin, dry eruptions, fever blisters, urticaria, itching and burning, crusty eruptions in bends of limbs, scalp or behind ears, eczema - raw, red and inflamed, diseases of hair follicles, alopecia & hives. 

Natrum sulphuricum: Itcovers watery blisters, sycotic excrescences, wart like red lumps all over the body, jaundiced skin and symptoms of itching while undressing.


Q. What is Biocombination No.20?
Biocombination No.20is a special combination prepared from various biochemic remedies such as Calcarea fluorica, Natrum sulphuricum, Natrum muriaticum and Calcarea sulphurica to form an ideal medicine for your skin ailments.

Q. What are uses/benefits of Biocombination No. 20?
It is useful in cases of acne and in cases of chapped and dry skin. It is also useful in cases of eczema and vitiligo. It is a good remedy for cases of excessive itching of the skin. It is known to be of use in diseases such as psoriasis and herpes too. Benefits of this remedy are seen in post operative cases where eruptions on the skin are seen as a complication.

Q. How to use Biocombination No. 20?
It is to be taken as an internal medicine. Unless otherwise indicated, adults could take 4 tablets, and children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.

Q. What are the side effects ofBiocombination No. 20?
No known side effects of Biocombination No. 20 are known or reported.

Q. What precautions to take before taking Biocombination No. 20?

Q. Is Biocombination No. 20 suitable for children?

Q. How long should I take Biocombination No. 20?
Until the symptoms improve or as per the Physicians prescription.

Q. Is it safe to take Biocombination No. 20 during pregnancy?

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